Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 26, No. 47                                                                                                                 February 19, 1978


Blessed Children: 

The following Address given by the mighty Goddess Meru at the Transmission of the Flame Class last evening will do much to acquaint you with the Mother Principle of Divinity as you read and absorb her Message of Love and Wisdom…  

Beloved Goddess Meru speaks

February 18, 1978: 

Good evening my brothers and sisters in the great family of the Universal Presence of God "I AM"! 

As you know, the great Flame at Titicaca blazes forth from the Earth like a Mighty Sun of Light and I ask you, each one, to enter now the Sun of your own Being feel yourself recede, let the little self be quiet and the Aura of your Divine Self shine forth like a mighty Sun... let this room, this holy. Sanctuary, be filled with the Light of God Illumination and feel my Love enfold you, each one. 

As you know, we are now in the Era of the Feminine Activity of the Divine Principle of life... Soon the great Himalaya will gather his remaining children on Earth and take them into the Higher Realms for all Eternity... and in preparation for that day the Feminine Ray is expanding and sending forth its Light and Powers in great intensity from our Focus. 

In the minds of some there is a misconception about the Feminine Activity, the Feminine Ray, which is in prominence... First of all one must have the Will to Do of the First Ray, and then it must be nourished by the Divine Love of the Feminine Activity. Each of you has worn a physical garment in many roles, sometimes masculine and some­times feminine, and you have been able to express that activity for within each of you is the fullness of both. 

And those activities in the outer world which are taking place known as the Feminist Movement are the result of the ladies believing that they should come forth and express their talents and ideas... true.... but many are misguided into thinking they must be dominant creatures. The greatest dominance in the world is Love Divine! 

I ask you when your heart tells you to, to pray that all in feminine embodiment at this hour will realize that it is the feminine activity of the Father-Mother God which is coursing through their beings, and no gentleman should think he has to take a back seat. That is rather difficult! No, each lifestream upon this planet is equal and I would like to give you the greatest Expression that I know of the Feminine Ac­tivity, the Father-Mother God direct your attention to the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus... his Love Divine, his Tolerance, his Wisdom is a Feminine Activity, and then to his successor as the Maha Chohan, his beloved son Paul. Oh these mighty Beings embody the Feminine Activity and are using it in its greatest capacity at this important hour! 

In order for the Seventh Ray Dispensation to come to full Perfection it is necessary that the Will of God be planted, that seed be planted in the Feminine Ray, where it shall be nourished - is now being nourished - to bring forth the beautiful Start Freedom's Holy Star, so dear to the Heart of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. 

Oh lovely ones, when you think of the Mother Principle of Life it is such a beau­tiful activity - the word "mother" in all its forms is so beautiful and should be revered and respected! So when you see any woman shouting as it were from the housetops certain activities which she believes should come forth, pray that all will be tempered with Wisdom, with God Illumination, and I vow - I, the Goddess Meru, the Divine Principle of the Mother Activity. Shall serve with all the Energy given to me by the Father-Mother God to assist our great Lady Kwan Yin in the merciful activity of raising the consciousness of all the women upon this Earth - raising them to higher levels, and it is very encouraging to us of the Hierarchy to hear even on public television reference to Family Life...we are all brothers and sisters in the family of our Father-Mother God! 

Now you know it is very important that calls are made to purify the South American continent for the great Sub-Race of the Seventh Root Race children. Children of Lord Saithrhu and the Beloved Lady Mercedes... his Divine complement! This is why she spoke to you recently to bring her name before you...  Lady Mercedes, the Mother Principle, bringing forth the Seventh Root Race children! 

Now, I wish you to turn your attention to our amphitheater which shall be tremendous in size - a thousand feet, yea ten thousand feet in every direction from its center, and it shall expand there from and shall be a place of great Light, where the children of this Planet may come for a respite from their daily activities to be bathed in the Light of the Sun, and particularly those who have been in climates where the Elements have seemed to be on a rampage - to your human consciousness - you will be mightily refreshed as you come into this Garden, the Sea of Golden Light. 

Your beloved Sponsors this month shall be ladies from our Focus - not gentle little ones, but Beings of Mighty Power who will guide you, assist you, as you ask them. They will bring you to our Focus and you will feel your Cup of Light well filled with God Illumination. 

Once in a while we have to speak of the negative aspects... and I turn your attention to the South American Continent where so many, as you would call them "Pagan Rituals" took place - where there was human and animal sacrifice unto the Gods. Many atrocities were committed and I ask you with all the strength of my Being to call for the purification of that Continent as well as the entire Earth sphere... for it shall be purified, and quickly, making it a Paradise into which shall be born the beautiful Gods and Goddesses, Priests and Priestesses, of the Seventh Root Race! 

Beloved ones, feel my Love, for I love you each one, and representing the Mother Principle I draw you close to my Heart, there to be nourished by the Divine Principle of Mother Love. 

Thank You

Love and Blessings, THE MAHA CHOHAN






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