The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME III -  Number 11                                                                                                                                March 17, 1981

The Archaii Hope

I am Lady Hope come to you at this time for witnessing the negatives aspect of delusion and negativity expressing through some of you… due to the fact that you are trying to solve your problems through human reason… when you have but to throw off the negative aspect of the outer consciousness by bathing your vehicles in the Sacred Fire of Transmutation and Purification… and don the robes of Divinity. You can be free in the Light now… or perhaps wait for another embodiment to learn the lesson which I am presenting to you. The Essence of Eternal Life, of Divinity, the reservoir of Perfection is within each of you – that God which you have clothed with the effluvia of the masses. 

Since it is to you, our chelas, I address myself, I am happy to state that you have greatly purified your human consciousness… there is but a light veil of maya through which you may pass, at any time of your choosing, and be the Spirit of God – your True Reality. 

Let us turn our attention now to Spirit… what is the meaning of Spirit? Spirit is singular, plural and all encompassing – universal, or any component thereof! Spirit is the principle of Life… of energy. 

The Group Avatar of which you are a part, a Cell in that great Body, is made up of chelas who have followed the promptings and are close, very close, to expressing their Divine Plan in its fullness. However, as I review the overall picture, some are straddling the fence of indecision. I counsel you to make up your minds, enter the encompassing radiation of the Group Avatar… or go the way of your choice… that can still be a good way – one leading home, but by a more circuitous route… meaning it will require a longer time for you to throw off the shackles of the human. Love is God… Love is understanding… patient and ever-present… but in the tremendously accelerated rate of vibration which is now taking place in The New Age Church of the Christ… the Group Avatar… a positive, dedicated release of energy is essential. We cannot make the decision for you – that is contrary to the gift of free will.  

However, I will add at this hour when the Resurrection Flame and Restoration – through employment of the Sacred Fire – burns so brightly, so intensely… wise is the individual who will open the partly ajar door to his True Self, and stepping across the boundary of the human, into the Realm of Divinity… DAILY… before he begins his regular activities, more and more of that Essence of True Spirit, which is the Elixir of Life will nourish him beyond his fondest dreams… and his very breath, his heartbeat will be one in that Great Spirit of the Universe which is calling, calling him to be part of the increasing radiation of the Fiery Essence of Divinity… carrying on in dignity, in true humility the purpose of his Being… his reason for embodiment at this important and crucial hour in the evolution of this dear Earth. 

We are in the vernal season – that time in the Western hemisphere where the quality of Hope is evident in the Nature Kingdom. Spiritually, this same outpouring takes place at all times… everywhere. It is that aspect of the Divine Force, the wellspring of Divinity, waiting to be tapped by all life! 

The Spirit of Spring so apparent to all is felt in the very radiation flowing forth the blade of grass, the leaf of a tree, a tiny bud ready to burst forth from the cradle where it has been held dormant while the Elemental was in a training period so that it might learn some specific lesson to further perfect its pattern… or having attained the fullness of its pattern to again bring to the sight and enjoyment of man the beauty which is part of the Kingdom of the Eternal! 

The time-worn statement “Hope springs Eternal” is a truth that it would be wise for the chela to understand. Dip into the well-spring of your Being, quaff the essence and be refreshed… for it is ever-present… it is Eternal… the Sacred Place of the Most High! 

Please remember, I am the Archaii Hope who has come to encourage you and invite you to drink of the nourishing, uplifting substance of Love, the Elixir of Hope, which is mine to dispense… just for the asking. Come to me and I shall assuage your thirst for righteousness!










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