The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 49                                                                                              December 7, 1982 




Greetings, beloved chelas, I, Lord Maitreya, bring you the blessings of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy – particularly those who are in residence at Shamballa. Will you kindly be seated. 

I prefer at this hour in your evolution to be called, “Lord Maitreya”. Lord Divino is all right but it is of a lower vibration and I wish to give you my all to forward your progress in the Light. Feel my Energy coursing through your being and when I say, “my energy”, I mean the Light and the Love of the Almighty coming to you – a privilege through which I AM able to send that Light through your being. FEEL IT! Accept it dear ones! Truly, this has been a year of great accomplishment. 

Now, I have come specifically this day to ask you, to request you, to counsel you, to remain in a state of harmony and to enjoy the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet. I ask particularly that you do this to prepare you for the greater, the higher rate of vibration which will come forth in the New Year. It will be much easier for each of you to tolerate - I say that word advisedly, for your being to tolerate this accelerated power which shall come forth. Now power is a tremendous word for it must be used wisely, not to accomplish anything of human desire, but to send forth the Love, the Wisdom to bless all evolutions. 

You have all been in training for centuries. The time has arrived when you can be true outposts of the Light of the Almighty! I pause and speak slowly so that you can get into your consciousness, into your feeling world, that Light is all there is. You individually and all the chelas serving in no matter what avenue of spirituality, whatever their spiritual persuasion, they are serving to the best of their ability – in most instances. But Shamballa must be recognized as the highest point of Light on this planet, and in so doing, you have a tremendous responsibility for we have trained you in the outer through worded expression, and the inner through Radiation, in words of Light, pure Light. 

Now visualize yourself in that sphere. Raise your consciousness until all you feel is Light, beautiful Light, as though you are on an ocean and you see many liners, great ships and some small conveyances. No matter how small, realize you are all travelers, at all times, in a sea of Light unless you lower your consciousness and your boat overturns. Yes, you can and will be saved, but why, dear ones, prolong the hour when your ship, your cargo is traveling on that sea going to various points without moving from the spot where you are, sending forth the gifts of the Almighty Source, that great Reservoir of Light, sending it as you are prompted at times to an individual, a cause, or whatever. But be a Peace Commanding Presence at all times, not through effort of the will but serving from your True Reality… sending the gifts of your Light and your Love to raise this sweet Earth to the vibration which is necessary and which you are expected to do at least in gratitude, to the dedicated Ones of Light, who have given you through the centuries.

Sometimes you’ll say, “Oh, I love this Master or I love that Master.” When you love one of us, you love us all, because there is no separation except that which your human mind and lower consciousness conceives or accepts. 

We are in a tremendous season preparing, preparing for the Holy activities which will take place this month. Consider the Angelic Host – what they are doing and shall do, particularly this month, preparing for the Feast of the Angels. I assure you there is going to be one of the greatest outpouring from the Angelic Host as we close this year of 1982… a banner year! Praying, anticipating, that each of our chelas will be so eager, so happy to be One with us, serving from that state of ecstasy which is the Kingdom of Heaven – and that is going about in whatever activity you are engaged in knowing consciously that you are a dedicated soul, at last, at long last, sending the Light of your Being to all Life.

Many of the chelas are turning their attention to that great Master Mahatma Gandhi and what he accomplished through the Peaceful Presence, peaceful yet powerful. One little man, but a Being of such great Light. You cannot conceive the magnitude of the blessing which he sent, and still does, to this dear planet. All of us in Heaven’s Realms bow to his great Light, a Master of great Wisdom, of Love and of Power, and most of all, Humility, with the full knowledge that Radiation in a balanced manner can accomplish all. Pause a moment, for this Beloved Being (with our attention upon him) is going to anoint you with his great Love. Accept it, and in so doing feel the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet… 

I, Lord Maitreya, AM grateful for your presence here and I bow to your Light. Thank you.










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