The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME IV, Number 50                                                                                                             December 14, 1982 

The Beloved Saint Germain

My dear friend, when we come to the close of the yearly cycle, as is customary, the karma you have created which was not of deliberate negative intent will be mitigated through the Mercy of the Cosmic Law! 

I appeal to you, dear ones, to transmute all the “baggage” which has been an encumbrance before the conclusion of this month… and go forth as brave sons and daughters of Freedom with a clean slate to serve with us in the accelerated Light of Progress. As you do so less energy will be required on the part of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this process. We could do so in an instant if allowed by Cosmic Law… however this is not permitted, for you are required to lend your energies in this individual “salvation.” 

You have been repeatedly apprised that the coming year of 1983 will be of tremendous import in the forward progress of this Sweet Earth. It is in the spirit of Friendship I bring this message today in order that you realize it is imperative that your vehicles be in a favorable condition to serve in greater capacity as we go forward in an accelerated consciousness. 

May I assure you that my Legions of Violet Fire Angels are now traversing the planet to transmute as much negative energy as possible preparatory to the celebration of the Feast of the Angels, and your attention on this important service can do much for your own vehicles, and the planet and her evolutions as well. 

In the spirit of Friendship and Love Divine, I enfold you in the Embrace of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation. 







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