The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 24                                                                                                                June 15, 1982 


Beloved Paul, The Maha Chohan

Children so close to my Heart, I would like to draw your attention to the Seventh Root Race and its great Manu Lord Saithrhu and his Divine Complement Lady Mercedes…

When a Manu is about to accept the Cosmic Sponsorship of a new race, there is an opportunity for the incarnation of a great number of new souls who up to this time had remained in the innocent status of the embryonic Christ, living freely and happily in the Inner Spheres. As all the humanity belonging to our Planetary System did not incarnate upon the first planet available for evolution, but were drawn forth systematically by the Planetary Logoi when the Planets were successively offered by them so also do the potential inhabitants of a particular planet arrive in successive waves until the Seven Manus have competed the minor cycle of that specific planet. In other words, the souls delegated for incarnation on the Earth are divided into seven groups of a definite number designated to have the first incarnation under the particular Manu who will then be responsible for their entire cycle and their ultimate attainment.

These Manus are the Guardians for the group of beings who are selected by the lords of Karma and the volunteers choosing to accompany a Manu on this Earth Round. The first six Manus have brought their children to this planet and we have reached the hour when the Seventh Root Race is coming forth under the Guardianship of Lord Saithrhu. Some, as you are aware, are now in embodiment in selected countries, the majority in South America and Santo Domingo under the mighty Guardians in their Glorious Temples. I remind you of this for the reason none of the chelas fully realize the importance of giving assistance to the Beloved Manu and his Lady… their responsibility is of great magnitude… for the incarnation of a soul in this process brings the great responsibility of selecting Earthly Parents by the Karmic Board and the protection of the family unit.

You do have a powerful call for the Redemption of the landed surface for the Seventh Root Race children but it is essential when you give this invocation that you follow it with Protection for the incoming, those already in embodiment, their parents and homes. With the acceleration of the vibratory action of this planet and the preparation required to move into the Orbit of Uranus, the mighty Guardians would appreciate any further prayer you would send forth on behalf of these so illumined children coming in from whom great wisdom will come forth. A little initiative is required on the part of the chelas and in the quietude of your Christ self; you will realize the importance of this.


Anticipating your always willing cooperation,

I AM                                      









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