The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 25                                                                                                                       June 22, 1982 


Beloved El Morya

Each individual’s consciousness is a mass accumulation of energy molded into forms of thought and feeling, vibrating at various wave lengths according to their specific qualities and intensity of focus. 

With every pulsation you send forth the consciousness radiates forth its sum total of energy into the Universe either raising and purifying the people or polluting the atmosphere. Thus the Holy Spirit becomes the servant of the individual creator and thus the individual is responsible for the use he makes of life. 

When an individual comes into the radiation of the Spiritual Hierarchy during a dictation, a class or decree group, his individual consciousness is for the most part held in abeyance through the mercy of life, and for the duration of the service, the Masters allow him or her to feel the consciousness of the Ascended Being without the pressure of their own thoughts and feelings, This accounts for the stimulation, enthusiasm and lightness that is experienced in group service, which is not usually sustained when the individual enters his own aura and the radiation of the Masters cease to be the controlling Force of his world. 

The lifestream of each individual knows Truth and wants Peace, and when the mass pressure of human creation is removed, every individual will respond gratefully to the outpouring of this instruction. The weight of one’s own human creation is what makes it impossible to sustain this upliftment that one experiences in exalted moments, and therefore to purify and cleanse one’s aura of these humanly created forms of thought and feeling is imperative. Then, when the Cup is filled with the radiance of the presiding Master, it will be an eternal and ever expanding consciousness of Divinity… wise is he who invokes the Christ Self to hold and sustain and ever expand every glorious experience of exaltation of consciousness that it might be a part of his very day living and not merely a religious fervor of the moment. 

Prepare well for the day when the Masters come forth in their tangible forms… and that day will be the greatest outpouring of Cosmic Light that the Earth has experienced. I am giving you this message not for you to ‘soar’ off into what you term the UNKNOWN… but to encourage you. The Ray of Purity of thought, feeling and body is the ‘bridge’ from the human to the Divine and is built on the foundation of Pure Energy and he who crosses to the Realm of the Heart of the Almighty must wipe his feet clean of the clay of human desires, of the excesses which he has enjoyed through the centuries. 

Your Friend and Mentor

EL MORYA of Darjeeling









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