The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 38                                                                                                September 20, 1983 


Mighty Zarathustra 

With the speed of Light I come! Open your consciousness and let me in! We have a project to complete before this yearly cycle closes its books! I bear a Cup filled to the brim with the elixir of Enthusiasm. Imbibe freely and be stimulated with the fervor of Joy, and feel this radiation propel your consciousness to a state where you are convinced of the rightness of that which we are destined to do – set this Earth free of all iniquity! 

Were you in need of monetary substance and I came armed with a reservoir of “coin of the realm” and offered it freely to you, would you not with gratitude accept the gift? My cup is filled to the brim… accept as much as you desire… the Bank of Enthusiasm is always open for any withdrawal you care to make. A never ending supply is always available. 

Enthusiasm is contagious… as when I speak to the chela be warned of the manner in which you use this Essence… for you are aware of the negative way fanatics can incite their followers to riotous action. I simply cite this to illustrate the dynamic action which can engender imperfect action. In multiple places on this planet you are witnessing violence which is a by-product of enthusiasm used in a negative manner. 

It is your responsibility through the power of your Reality “I AM” to saturate the Earth with the powerful Holy Light of the Radiation of Enthusiasm. It can be gentle, filling the hearts of men with Peace, Love and Harmony – quelling the feeling of despair in which some have seemingly become trapped. Wrap these hearts that are so deeply needful of comfort and let that radiation bring hope to their souls. Then, too, there are many individuals and groups seeking ways and means to bring Peace. You can, through enthusiastic radiation, in invocation, affirmation or silence dispel all the winds of negativity which are rising to a pitch of cyclonic action. THIS CAN AND WILL BE DONE! What we need do is dissolve the cause and core of warring factions… I refer to the feeling of hatred and revenge being spawned in many areas of this Earth. Employ counter-action… send forth Love and, in the manner of Saint Francis, - “Lord make me an instrument of thy Peace.” Positive declarations can and will replace imperfection… no matter where it is present. Be armed always with the fervor of positive thinking. Know always that the supply of enthusiastic action is always available. I have opened the door of my Consciousness to you. Accept that which I bring, remembering always to dispense the essence of enthusiasm in the manner required at a given time. One cannot keep enthusiasm locked in any vault. There are no enclosures, for it is ever-present, waiting to be directed by dedicated chelas to bring PEACE and UNITY TO THE FAMILY OF MAN! 

I offer you this abundant, ever flowing essence. Use it for the Restoration of this planet… 

Thus spoke Zarathustra!









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