The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 3                                                    January 17, 1984


LaMorae - God of Harmony 

Let our subject today be the meaning of HARMONY…

Reference to a dictionary will describe it as: ‘a musical arrangement – or action – or combination of tones… accord in feeling or action’… and very importantly ‘inner calm.’

When one wishes to function from the Consciousness of ‘I AM’ it is essential that his lower vehicles be in accord with each other.  We all know that dissonance in any one of our vehicles reflects that Radiation and does not outpicture the oft-repeated statement made by many chelas… ‘the harmony of my True Being.’

We all know if any musician in an orchestra is not in tune with the conductor, the resulting sound is imperfect.  In order for you to be in tune with your Inner Self “I AM’ (your maestro) it is imperative the tones being released from all your vehicles be in tune with each other, for you realize at this stage of your developing consciousness that every radiation emits a particular tone.  You are in the process of developing an instrument to a perfect pitch which will release a harmonious radiation or the benefit of all evolutions in their forward progress.  You are also aware that the Nature Kingdom is obedient to the tone released by one Elemental, which gives the signal for all its’ species to put forth the effort and release the flower held within the tight bud which he has been emulating from the pattern set for him by his Deva… or more highly developed co-server.

It is the same in all Life, all Kingdoms… the Seasons of the Year express at an appointed time – and the outpicturing depends on the obedience of the various Elementals assigned to each Kingdom.  Flower and Fruit production are often imperfect when there has been a drought or untoward weather conditions.  In the Human Kingdom man must learn to express the Perfection of the Plan set for him individually by raising his vehicles to a rate of vibration where all the radiation he emits is in tune with the Divine Director of his lifestream, ‘I AM’.

My specific service at this time is to increase the Radiation of Harmony for all Life… and any and all of us serving at our Focus at Waikiki are desirous and eager to give assistance to anyone who will invite us to release the Radiation of Harmony to an individual or project.  We await the opportunity of an appeal from you to bring the perfect tone of this planet which is an integral part of the Thought Form and Theme for this year.  Every time that Thought Form is verbally or mentally released, we will amplify the Radiation to attain the Perfection set by Cosmic Law for this Year.

In tune with the Universe, ‘I AM’ LaMorae






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