The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12 - Number 32                                                                                                   August 10th, 1990

Beloved Chelas,

As I look into your Beings and worlds today, I see that you have given a great deal of yourselves to the work of healing in the way that was described to you in my last letter. In so doing, you opened your emotional vehicles to those whom you contacted at inner levels in this work. I refer especially to those lifestreams who must depend upon others for their care and well being.

It touches me deeply to observe the love and true desire to heal life that I see so clearly within your hearts. You know - a Master, having completed the phases of work in which you are yet involved, no longer experiences the pain which may accompany your work from time to time. Your time of full mastery over human emotions will come! Once again, I assure you that I have walked this path before you, and although I do not experience the pain of humanity, I most certainly experience compassion and understanding for you! I experience Divine Love at its heights and depths, and I surround you with this Love at a moment’s notice whenever you call upon me!

Truly, all life is ONE! Those whom you contact as you work with healing are a part of your Beings, and their pain and suffering often becomes a part of your experience worlds - at least for a time.

The Earth is your place to learn about all the ways in which Divine Love becomes a manifest reality. It is on this plane that you learn primarily through the emotional vehicle. If you consider this, it is not strange that you experience emotional pain - or joy. Just as the beautiful butterfly emerges from the prison of the cocoon, and flies freely to drink of the nectar offered by the flower, so you will emerge from the physical world as a Master, bringing through your experience all the beauty you have created during your Earthly sojourns.

Be grateful! Know that your every effort to heal the world makes a difference in the lives of many, bringing greater love, endurance, and Spiritual Freedom to all. For your love for them, receive the return current of my Love for you! 

I Thank You,

Kwan Yin






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