The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 18                                                                                              May 4th, 1990


My Beloved Ones,

As you know, I AM one of the Beings you so beautifully call "The Mothers of Heaven". It is so.

In thinking of being a mother, the fact is that there are a myriad of responsibilities involved! A mother must be so many different things to her children - and under so many varying sets of circumstances. This is why we - the "Mothers of Heaven" - embody various qualities of the Godhead, so that our beloved children on the Earth may never be left without that which is needed when their calls go forth. 

Today it is my deep desire to impress upon your consciousness the importance of motherhood. I want you to realize the complicated task it truly is, and the sanctity of the responsibility this office holds for the mothers among the people of Earth. Each one of you who read my words receive my love and my gratitude for your efforts to be the very best example of Motherhood you can to your children. As well, I ask that you extend your efforts to any child or young person who enters your worlds. 

Beloved ones, you are all my children, and I want to point out that it is not the gender which entirely determines the responsibilities of motherhood, at least when we speak of it as an "office" or "position". Many men find that they must act as mothers as well as fathers, and conversely, many women must assume the position usually attributed to men - as providers and protectors of the family. 

My heart is filled with the desire to bring this understanding home to you; A chela must be whatever it is necessary for him (or her) to be - in order to fulfill whatever need is at hand! The important thing to remember is that you must work always to give love to all children within your spheres of influence, and to try to sense their needs, and respond appropriately. This in an indication of your Spiritual Balance - and sense of responsibility! 

Know you are loved, as you strive to be the very best you can. 









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