The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 20                                                                                     May 18th, 1990


Dear Chelas,

Human consciousness - even at its most perverse - is related to Divine Consciousness. When you are traversing the Earth in your round of embodiments - however long it may take - your humanity is the avenue through which you will eventually receive your Divinity! There is human mind and Divine Mind. There is human feeling and Divine Feeling - and so on. As you experience and assimilate understanding through your individual ways, eventually you come to the point where you realize that there are Cosmic Laws underlying all outer expressions, and it is this realization that causes you to step upon the Path of Mastery. This is what I refer to when I tell you to remember the phrase; "MAN IS JUSTICE!" 

It may not be necessary - or even desirable - for you to know about all the reasons for the outer appearances that you see in the lives of others, or even in your own; but - it is important for you to know that there is reason, and that Divine Law is always in action, and will always prevail. Let it become a security for you, for it is totally just! 

Thank the Creator of All Life for the beautiful instruments of expression which have been given to you; for your intricate and wonderful physical vehicles, through which you can manifest your Father-Mother God's Will upon this beautiful Planet Earth! Thank God for your minds and the wonders of all Nature that are revealed and comprehended through them. Be grateful for your feelings, and for the vast sea of emotions that have played so freely through all your experiences upon this plane of manifestation! And - lastly - be thankful for your memories, for it is the etheric vehicle which stores all of these experiences over many hundreds of adventures, finally bringing you to the doorway of God Illumination and Wisdom! 

Step through that Golden Doorway into the Heart of God! Claim your Divine Heritage, and be grateful for this marvelous opportunity!








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