The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 36                                                                                                                  September 4, 1992


My Dearly Beloved Chelas, 

I am pleased that each one of you is examining your own thinking and feeling worlds carefully, making the deeper effort required to purify and cleanse your con­sciousness of any vestiges of human judgment. Judgment as with any other negative reaction has two sides. One is creating a judgment upon another person, and the other is that of creating a judgment upon yourself. Many of the chelas would far rather judge themselves than others, because of their deep desire to do no harm. However, judgment, whether upon yourself or another person is still based in the same misconception. 

One of the reasons that people fear judgment is based in archaic teachings involving punishment. The concept of what you may experience when appearing before the Karmic Board has become influenced by this old fear state of consciousness, even for some of the most advanced among our chelas. Yet, none of you has ever experienced a more loving event than that of appearing before the Karmic Board at any time, in or out of embodiment! You know this with your reasoning minds and in your hearts, but fear still tries to reign within the emotional body. 

Fear is a most inhibiting form of negativity, and can be one of the factors that influence people to pass judgment upon themselves or others. If you desire to correct a mistake you feel you have made, be careful not to merely transfer your judgment from outside yourself to within. While it is wise to always examine your consciousness and check your motives and underlying desires, you must also remember that, in most instances, you are dealing in relationships. This means there are more than your thoughts and feelings involved. There are also those of others, and you must take care to not interfere with the free will expression of other people as you work to make things right in your own life. 

True forgiveness, which will release all forms of judgment, whether against the self or others, means a complete letting go of former thoughts, feelings and reactions. While it is true that your future thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions may need to change, remember that you cannot insist upon this same activity immediately taking place in the lives of others with whom you are involved. You can merely hold the concept that what is possible for you is also freely available to them, if they desire it. 

The most important work is the use of the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame, and its most important aspect at this time is that of forgiveness and mercy. If forgiveness is not given and received, the results of former use of energy cannot be permanently transmuted and restored to purity. 

The path of spiritual mastery is not the work of a moment, but a true working out and through all former actions and reactions! Your auras are becoming more radiant daily, for you are applying the teachings given with tenacity. Truly, you bring joy to my heart with your every effort to outpicture Light! Know you are loved. 

Your Friend,

John, the Beloved







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