The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 15, Number 51                                                                                                        December 17, 1993


Beloved Chelas, 

In determining the amount of energy which you are able to commit in support of your petitions, it is well to take into account the effects which you may expect to see in your own life experience, as a result of your commitment. 

I have told you that most petitions submitted evolve into a group petition, in order to maximize the amount of energy pledged for fulfillment. Upon occasion, a chela submits a petition of great worth, containing original ideas, which have not been considered by the Masters of Light. However, even when this takes place, the chela must enlist the interest and support of at least one Ascended Master or Cosmic Being, in order to fulfill the requirements for the release of an energy flow from the Octaves of Light into the world of form. 

When a petition is accepted and approved, the Karmic Board will measure the amount of energy which has been committed to the petition by the chelas and other embodied lifestreams. From the Causal Body of the Earth, the Karmic Board will then give to the Ascended Sponsor, an amount of energy equal to that pledged by the group. To the chelas involved, the Karmic Board will give an allotment of energy which is double the amount pledged by each one. As these energies flow forth from the Causal Body of the Earth, to be commanded for their intended purpose by the Ascended and unascended beings involved, the Law of the Circle multiplies the Light still further. You can see that the energy levels involved in the outworking of each petition are tremendous in scope! The responsibility of all involved is to see that these energies are put to the greatest possible use to achieve the appointed design. 

You are aware that all Divine Attributes manifest in the world of form according to the pattern of the Holy Breath. Petitions are fulfilled under this principle, as well. As each chela supports a petition through concentration, visualization, decree, and so forth, the response from the Ascended Sponsors of the petition is immediate. Energies of vast proportion flow forth from the Ascended Masters involved, simultaneously with the release of energy from the Causal Body of the Earth. As you work on the petitions to which you are committed, you will feel these energies enter your aura and flow to your Heart Center, where they come under the direction of your Inner Christ. This process fulfills the steps of inbreathing and absorbing the Light. 

As this tremendous flow of energy from the Octaves of Light joins with the individual energies of a chela, the Light is expanded, and begins to manifest in the life and world of each chela in the group. This is a very important point. If, for example, you submit a petition for world peace, you will begin to see - in your own life experience - that all obstacles to perfect peace will become apparent to your consciousness, so they may be transmuted and released. Thus, the perfect peace which you desire for the world shall first begin to manifest in your own life, as the process of the Holy Breath moves toward fruition. 

This part of the process can be disquieting at times, for a great deal of energy is being directed to and through each chela involved, greatly accelerating manifestation on an individual basis. Often, as the cosmic energies devoted to the petitions become apparent in the life experience of a chela, he or she may become distracted by the manifestations. Sometimes, the chela may divert his or her energies away from the inner work, becoming enmeshed in the outer demonstration. Indeed, if a chela is unprepared for this part of the process, the petitions may be neglected entirely, blocking the flow of the cosmic energies into the world of form. 

Once the energies devoted to the petition have been expanded through the life and world of each chela involved - then, and only then, can they be projected through the mass consciousness for the benefit of all mankind! As always, awareness is paramount! Your awareness of the process as it takes place can help you to meet these manifestations with the full strength of your Holy Christ Self, so that you can be of maximum service to the brotherhood and to mankind. 

I hope the enlightenment I offer gives you a glimpse of our shared responsibility. You are so deeply appreciated for your courage and willingness to join with us in redeem­ing this beloved planet and her evolutions! You are the Light-Bearers of the Age of Spiritual Freedom, and I thank you - each one!

Serapis Bey






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