The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 45                                                                                                           November 11, 1994


Beloved and faithful students of the One Light, 

I greet you today with all my love and constancy of attention and service. We who serve in the octaves of light are grateful… grateful… grateful… for your perseverance and faithful dedication to the Light of God which is eternally victorious! 

During this year of illumination, many fine points of cosmic law have been presented to you. Often you have found, especially within your feeling worlds, that it has been difficult to understand and assimilate many of the principles given. Do not allow yourselves to become discouraged over this, beloved ones, for you are doing very well! Keep in mind that your spirit is a mighty chalice of light and not one drop of the divine elixir poured into this sacred cup will be wasted. Whenever spiritual thirst is upon you, drink deeply of this sacred substance and in the fullness of God's time, you shall come to understand fully. 

We have told you there is no limit to the available supply of universal energy and you are finding through your personal experiences that this statement is indeed true. Know also that energy is never wasted, for the free-flowing substance of our Father-Mother God is continually being used and reused by life forms everywhere. Even energy of a negative nature can easily be purified and requalified, so it may once again be available for all life's use. This can be accomplished either consciously or unconsciously and it is of this particular point that your understanding must be translated into action. 

When you become conscious of the creative process and the way in which mankind participates in this process you become part of the group who can and must redeem energy, so that it may quickly be returned to the Source. There, it is once again released into the universe for the free will use of lifestreams everywhere, as they progress upon their evolutionary paths. When you are aware of this process and consciously participate in this activity, it then becomes not just an ability you have acquired, but a responsibility that you have accepted! 

I ask you now to consider the word 'redeem' and the concept of redemption, consciously deciding to be a 'redeemer'. Since the beginning of the Christian dispensation, this word has been synonymous with the Christ Spirit. Through your further understanding you have come to realize that this quality is necessary in any realm where there is likely to be situations of misuse or misunderstanding of energy, as a result of the free will choices of embodied lifestreams; and that every time you redeem the living substance of our God Parents, you are the Christ in action! 

To redeem means not only to set free; it also clears and restores. Whether you work by yourself, or combine your energies into a unified vessel through which cosmic energies may be poured into the earth, a great deal of your personal life force is used. You will find that the more perfectly you are able to function as a pure and clear channel for this energy, the greater will be the return to you from your Father-Mother God, and the greater will be your service - that of purifying and transmuting misqualified energy. 

Once you have chosen to serve as a chela of the Ascended Masters, this becomes one of your primary functions upon the physical plane. You are then truly an 'open door', a 'chalice of light', or a 'bridge' through which individually or collectively, you serve as the Body of Light through which the healing, sustaining substance of the God Parents and all their emissaries may flow into the earth. It is to your love, constancy, and dedication to this service that I humbly bow as every day, through your increased wisdom and illumination; you lovingly wield more and more power, doing greater things for this beloved planet Earth! 

Dwjal Khul








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