The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 31                                                                                                           August 4, 1995


Beloved ones, 

It is my hope that you have taken the past seven days to consider the words so lovingly given to you last week by beloved El Morya and are further understanding your role in God's Great Divine Plan. Much will be asked of you in the future and I want you to know you have each been well prepared for your tasks and, as situations develop, further understanding will be given to you. But first, on behalf of the entire spiritual hierarchy, I wish to take a moment to thank you for your love, dedication, and continued service throughout the ages. 

Today I would like to share with you an experience you have all encountered in your lives. Each and every one knows people who regularly attend services of a specific organized religion or even ascended master classes and they seem to go only to receive. These individuals go primarily to listen to the words of so-called religious leaders and holy people. They find it feels so good to bathe in the wonderful radiation which surrounds them within these churches, temples, and sanctuaries and they hope to be charged with whatever it is they need to face the many challenges of life they will encounter until the next time they return to be refreshed once again. 

Consider for a few moments the example of what takes place during a class of the Ascended Masters. Through every invocation, every decree, visualization, and reading you are directed to use God energy for the good of all life. You are shown how to take this energy, intensify it with your own personal God qualities, and then send it forth to do its work. As you are engaged in this activity, there will often be those who will claim all this energy for themselves, unaware of what is actually taking place. They have not yet realized and understood the effect that giving of this energy to others will greatly enhance and increase the results in their own personal lives. 

Beloved ones, these blessed children of God have not yet felt the spark of divinity within their hearts blaze forth, filling them with love. For only then will they recognize the divine being of light they truly are and be able to share their gifts and blessings with all life around them. 

As you are all aware it takes time to come to know who you are; to accept your own inner strength and trust your inner prompting, then share this knowledge with others. It is up to you to lovingly and patiently show them the way. Through you, in your own unique way of being, those who come into contact with you will come to fully understand what you are sharing with them. 

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit








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