The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 51                                                                                                              December 22, 1995


Blessed ones, 

Over the past four months, you have diligently worked with the four lower vehicles of the physical focus of Shamballa, accomplishing a tremendous service for the heart center of this planet. Through the power of divine love anchored in each and every one of you, the heart center is once again strong and healthy. This is due to the great healing that has now taken place at the physical focus of Shamballa. It will only be a matter of time and your continued love for all life that the entire body of this planet will also be healed and then reborn, pure and perfect in every way. 

By assisting in this process you have also re-established the magnificence of the brotherhood of angels, elementals, and mankind that once ruled this Earth. Let this brotherhood expand and reign supreme as many wonderful changes take place upon this planet. Remember that your connection with the elemental kingdom is through your mind. As you place your attention upon them they will respond to your thoughts. Think often of the beauty that surrounds you, increasing your love for all the highly evolved elemental beings who make up and are each part of the physical body of this planet. 

Though your feeling nature you will find your connection with the angelic kingdom. It is the quality of love that the angelic beings respond to and it is the power of love that amplifies all of God's virtues that they embody and share with all life. 

You are the bridge, beloved ones, between the angelic and elemental kingdoms and it is up to you to remain connected at all times so that the brotherhood of angels, elemental, and mankind is able to serve the Earth in all its glory and perfection. Take command of your thinking and feeling natures! Become masters of your own energy. As each person is able to accomplish this task, more and more perfection will manifest in this world of form. 

Much higher levels of energy will then be able to come to Earth and be used to quicken the process of unifying all life; assisting this blessed planet to ascend into a much higher level of existence, further fulfilling the divine plan of all creation as held in the heart of our Father-Mother God. I know that all of us eagerly await that day and we shall work together until this happens and beyond. 

Holy Ĉolus





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