The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 35                                                                                                        September 1, 1995


Beloved disciples, 

Today is the first day of not only the month of September but also the final quarter of a magnificent year filled with all the gifts and blessings of divine love. Through the power of love you have each worked diligently, individually and as a group, to balance your energies as many great changes continue to take place within you. As you become more centered in your life, the joy of the mighty ascension flame has begun to flood your being. You are already beginning to feel the many gifts of this very powerful and transforming ray, as it is already affecting the planet Earth, preparing for the incoming twelve month cycle. 

During the remaining four months of this year, the focus of your work shall involve purifying and healing the four lower vehicles of the physical focus of Shamballa. This will prepare the way for this sacred center of light to more perfectly serve the mankind of Earth from an ever increasing level of conscious­ness. Your assistance will also allow Shamballa to spiral upward more quickly, ultimately drawing the Earth back into the sacred Heart of God and the oneness of all life! 

By this time most of you have received the letter recently sent out by Headquarters concerning the need for increased financial support, so you will quickly recognize why the work we shall be doing is so necessary as Shamballa rapidly moves forward into the future. To prepare for the great inflow of abundance that will soon commence through the activity of the Flame of Unity, the physical focus must be ready to perfectly accomplish what is required, thereby fulfilling its divine plan and we shall begin with the lower vehicle that the physical eyes behold. Actually this work has already begun if you recall the request made by Serapis Bey in letter Number 33, as you each turn your attention to the heart center of this planet for five minutes each day. 

Before going further I wish to share with you additional information concerning the work you will be involved with during the remaining four months of this year. For along with the gift of understanding of how you will accomplish this task now set before you, will come a greater degree of success. This I can do very simply, for our work in the immediate future will be focusing our attention each month on one of the lower vehicles of Shamballa, the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of this sacred focus of great light, using all the gifts and blessings available through the cooperative efforts of the Angelic, Elemental, and Human Kingdoms. 

During the coming week, go within and contemplate how you specifically have been created since the beginning of time to assist in this work. In other words, recognize the individual gifts and talents that you will bring into this endeavor and acknowledge the divinity of your being. Then expand this recognition beyond yourself, out to all the chelas and lightworkers involved with Shamballa. 

Remember, beloved ones, the key to the success of this service to Shamballa is UNITY, for only by working together do all things become possible! 

Æolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit







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