The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 36                                                                                                                      September 8, 1995


My beloved disciples,

As your attention and that of your many brothers and sisters throughout this planet has now turned back to the Heart Center, have you not begun to feel a great increase in strength, wisdom, and love now enfolding the physical focus of Shamballa and emanating outward to all life everywhere since last week? Our work is already being accomplished! 

So as not to lose any of this momentum, let us move immediately into our service for this month. Since a minimum of five minutes is all that is required at noon each day, I will begin with a short, but very powerful, invocation for you to use in the coming week. 


Beloved Presence of God I AM in us and in all life, desiring to work together in this ONENESS at all times, we now call to our brothers and sisters in the family of man and the entire kingdom of the Angels. Especially during this time in the evolution of our Earth, we also call upon the highest forms of all elemental life to COME FORTH NOW and assist in the full restoration of the physical focus of Shamballa. 

Beloved Michael, great Archangel of Deliverance, enfold us in your love and that of all your legions. Through your faith in the success of our endeavors, help us to outpicture the perfection that already exists within this sacred and holy place. 

Knowing that our every call is fulfilled even as we speak, we accept it done right here and now! So be it, beloved I AM. 

Thank you for that call so lovingly given from your hearts for Shamballa. Realize also that any service you perform for the heart center of this planet, you also do for yourself, for there is a focus of Shamballa in each and every heart of all life on Earth. To take even fuller advantage of the energy available, remember that the Temple of Illumined Faith and Protection is open during this month. Michael and all his angels are very busy, not only assisting in our work here at Shamballa but also preparing for the conference coming up later in the month. Through your daily use of this simple invocation you shall also be able to interact more fully with the activities that will take place at Lake Louise, both at inner and outer levels. 

Take this invocation and, from your perspective, include whatever gifts you believe will be helpful during this process of restoration. This is your task this week, beloved ones, and through your love and dedicated service for all life, may you be blessed!

Holy Ĉolus






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