The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17,  Number 37                                                                                                                   September 15, 1995


Blessed chelas, 

By using the invocation for the physical vehicle of Shamballa daily, have you not come to see all your brothers and sisters, the angels that always surround you, and the shining beings of the elemental kingdom in a new light? As you consciously connect with and physically recognize the oneness of all life, every­thing in your life has changed. United in service for the restoration of Shamballa, all energy is so focused on this purpose that no negativity is allowed a foothold anywhere. The shift in energy that has now taken place must be maintained and to assist you in accomplishing this task, please take a few moments right now to visualize what you have done this past week. If this is not possible for you to do right now, perhaps you may wish to put this letter aside until the time becomes available to you. 

Center yourself and close your eyes and see the entire family of man going about their tasks of daily living. Observe their various activities as they live and work, out in the countryside, in every small town, and in each large metropolitan area. As every chela and lightworker gives our invocation, see every person stop what they are doing. Looking heavenward they listen and, as they do, love and peace fills their beings and worlds. 

Now, having experienced this radiation, they rise up and begin their search for the physical source of this energy. Questioning their own spirituality, they begin to talk to other people. They search through libraries and bookstores, looking for written material which will explain their many questions. They even search their memories for long forgotten explanations. 

As this is taking place, all chelas and lightworkers everywhere have joined together with all the angels of heaven and the highly evolved spirits of the kingdom of nature, to further manifest the perfection that exists at Shamballa, knowing full well that very soon people everywhere will find their way home, guided by the many ascended masters who have gone before us on this journey. 

Beloved Archangel Michael watches over us all, filling us with his power, protection, and faith in the rapid completion of our task. 

Hold this vision in your mind for the next seven days, beloved ones, as together, we continue forward toward our goal. May it be the first thing you consider each morning and the last thought you have each night.







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