The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 31                                                                                                            August 2, 1996


Beloved powerful spirits of living light, 

During the month of August, on every Wednesday at midday, after you have strengthened your connection with your divine I AM Presence by re-energizing your protecting Mantle of Light, visualize yourself standing upon the shore of a calm, serene lake surrounded by lush vegetation and mountains so high they seem to touch the beautiful blue sky above. The golden light rays emanating from the sun take on an aura of violet, carrying with them the blessed essence of transmutation into this pure and perfect God-estate. As you feel the warmth of these rays, your emotional body becomes still, your mind is at peace, your memories pleasant, and your physical body transforms into the beautiful being of light you originally came forth as from the very heart of God. 

Remaining centered and focused in this state of perfect peace and harmony, visualize my electronic pattern 'a mighty Diamond Heart,' pulsating in the etheric realm over the physical focus of Shamballa, sending forth crystalline white rays of light with a radiance of blue and violet, representing the qualities of God's will, protection and purification. Understanding that there is a focus of Shamballa within each of your blessed hearts, invoke the assistance of beloved Lady Kwan Yin to blaze her Flame of Mercy and Compassion to and through you, directly into the physical focus of Shamballa. 

As rays upon rays of beloved Kwan Yin's flame of deep violet with a crystalline aquamarine radiance reach Shamballa, the activity of forgiveness for both one's self and others is greatly intensified and expands throughout the entire planet Earth. Through this activity the physical focus of Shamballa is slowly and joyfully raised into my magnificent Diamond Heart, shining brightly above. 

One with the perfect will of our Father-Mother God, Shamballa is now able to send forth rays of love, wisdom, power, gratitude, and prosperity to all chelas of light everywhere at a much increased rate and vibration than ever before. As these additional light rays anchor within the beings and worlds of all light-workers everywhere, the light of this world easily expands, enfolding all groups, families, friends, co-workers and beyond, until the Earth and all her evolutions receives this purifying essence as well. 

Remember, beloved co-servers, there is a light ray connecting my heart to yours, and through the power of your holy breath, it is constantly radiating the qualities of strength, determination and love to do God's Will, which my beloved Miriam so gracefully embodies. Dear chelas, be ever conscious of your breathing pattern. Allow it to work and increase your connection to the higher realms of light, for your four lower vehicles are the doorways for all God's blessing to you, Shamballa and the entire planet Earth. We love you! 

Your friend of many ages, El Morya









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