The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 19                                                                                                         May 10, 1996


Beloved ones,

Today it is my heart's desire to guide you through the process of constructive creation by using the following visualization. Let us say you wish to manifest harmony, peace, unity and brotherhood within a group of people with whom you are an integral part. If your desire to do this is based on altruism, the importance of considering the interests and needs of the others, you are in full attunement with God. You may choose not to mention to the others your plan of action, unless you are absolutely sure they are working at the same realm of understanding and service as you are. The reason for this particular course of action is to avoid any resistance you might otherwise encounter. Remember that knowledge can often be misunderstood or misused by individuals who consciously or unconsciously tune into or reside at a different level of consciousness. 

Having now clearly conceived your plan, and fully accepting that God is the doer, the doing and the deed, you are truly one with God. At your next step it is very important to blaze the Blue and Violet Flames in, through, and around your being and all the others, assuring that the energy drawn will be used at the highest level permitted by cosmic law. When this work has been completed, it is time to use your inner vision and visualize the perfect mental picture of what it is you wish to manifest. See yourself and your fellow co­workers, friends or family joyful and happy, at peace not only within but with one another. Everyone is able to listen and express their thoughts and feelings in a gentle, loving, compassionate manner, without discomfort of any kind. You all rejoice in the Will of God, for every person has the freedom to be who they truly are without fear of being judged by others for their actions. 

Beloved chelas, in these past few moments you have put together a magnificent blueprint of what it is you wish to manifest. Your attention is completely focused and the angelic and elemental kingdoms stand ready to join forces with you and create their part of this beautiful design. You then begin to draw the quality of divine love around this blueprint so perfectly held in your mind. At that same moment you quickly expand your consciousness and call forth all those blessed lifestreams who shall be a part of this manifestation, according to God's divine plan and time. 

The process of precipitation must be ongoing, beloved ones! It requires you to place your attention upon and invest your energy in this endeavor until its completion. It is of the utmost importance not to attempt to decide who else will be involved and exactly how things should be done to create harmony among the group. Instead, you must hold true to the Immaculate Concept of your creation, as represented by your blueprint. Finally, as you work for the perfect manifestation of your plan, you must have full faith and conviction that it will be accomplished, for you have asked for this as the Presence of God I AM in action! 

Beloved co-servers, I AM sure you will find great reward and joy in work such as this in your service to the light. Blessings to you all!

Your teacher and brother in the light, Serapis Bey









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