The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 7                                                                                                        February 14, 1997


Beloved chelas of God's Truth, 

Part of the necessary process of restoration you are each going through at this time involves the activity of personal healing, for without the healing of your feelings, mind, body, being and world your forward progress will be very slow indeed - if at all. The requirement of this hour in the Earth's evolution is that those who are aware of God's Higher Truths evolve to the point where they become, to the best of their ability, perfect examples of these principles. Then, by their actions show the world the truth contained within these teachings. 

Beloved ones, the results of this process is not something that can be forced by human will. This way of being is something that must come easily and naturally to those who believe, know and fully understand what the many great Masters of Wisdom have been sharing for centuries upon centuries of time to those who were willing to take the time to listen. However, before this personal transformation can take place, personal healing must occur. This does not mean that you won't have difficult days in the future, but that for at least one moment you will manage to heal and release all the pain, distress and burdens you have been carrying around and adding to for so many lifetimes of existence. From that point you will then be able to take one day at a time and prevent disease and distress from entering your life again. By not taking care of each small problem before it joins together with other difficulties you can manifest something that quite quickly seems to be too large for you to handle, and this will allow your lower self to once again take control of your life. 

Beloved chelas, you have already been given all the tools you need to accomplish this task and it is now up to you to find the time in your life to complete this very personal work that ultimately no one else can do for you. Over the next several weeks we will, together, look at several qualities that may be impinging upon or delaying your forward spiritual progress. We will begin this week exploring a specific aspect of the quality that often causes feelings of separation. 

How well have you done during the last thirty days with the several exercises I have given to you to work with? You will recall that I stated previously: "Your greatest challenge at this time in your spiritual development is that of relinquishment." I want to reassure you that this part of your spiritual development will not take anything away from you, my beloved ones! Quite the contrary! The process of relinquishment will allow your God Presence to once again take command of your outer self. Your every thought, feeling, memory, action and reaction will once again be of God's Design and no other, not your human ego or any another person's need or desire. 

The time has come to finally fully recognize and remember always the great being of light you truly are. Dear chelas claim your divinity! For within this perfected state of consciousness you will easily be able to forgive yourself and others of all past mistakes that have been made since the beginning of your personal evolution. All thoughts and feelings of separation will be dissolved and transmuted and you will come to know, without any doubt, everything you wish to do that is constructive in nature is already within you. However, your ability to grasp these divine ideas must come from a pure mind, heart and motive. You will also then be able to lovingly embrace all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man, for you can now truly see them for who they are. No longer will separation be able to find a foothold in your consciousness as the quality of unity expands throughout your being and you fully understand and accept the divine principle of 'the oneness of all life.' 

Beloved ones, with this oneness do you ever fear that perhaps you may lose your personal identity? I speak to you today to reassure you that quite the contrary is true! Once you have firmly drawn this divine quality deep within, beautifully recognizing the truth and reality of your own true being and all that this includes, you will become more firmly anchored within your own individual flame of divinity. Then, the qualities of love, wisdom and power along with your own personal momentum to life shall blaze forth so brightly joyously embracing the perfection of all life. Blessed of my heart, during the next seven day period work with the divine qualities of relinquishment and unity, and allow yourself to receive their many gifts. Feel my flame as I enfold you now in divine truth to assist you in your process of healing and stand by your side throughout the coming week. 

Master Hilarion, one of your many teachers from the inner realms.








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