The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is an Ascended Master Activity of Light, Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness that has been active upon our blessed planet since the middle of the 20th century under the direct authority of beloved Ascended Master El Morya. The Bridge continues to this day, occasionally releasing additional information as required. A corporation by the same name was also created in 1953 to take care of the organization’s physical and governmental requirements and continued until the end of 2022 when it fulfilled its divine plan.
Over the years the Activity has been known by several names: The Bridge to Freedom (1952 – 1979), The New Age Church of the Christ (1979 – 1986), and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom (1986 – today). Three different names but always the same Activity with the same purpose!
Part of that purpose is to publish religious doctrine and spiritual law so all of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom’s teachings are offered through this website freely for humanity to use and enjoy. The only two things that are asked of the gentle readers is that the material contained within this website not be copyrighted by any individual or group, as no permission has been given for anyone to do so. Secondly, credit should be given to The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom as the source of anything used.
Within the pages of this website, you will find the explanation of why this Activity was created, its basic philosophy, an archive of all the books and publications written over the years, each year’s Thoughtform and Theme, and other relevant information. This includes but is not limited to weekly letters, monthly magazines, and books by many Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim, and other great Beings of Light.
There are many, many small spiritual groups and dedicated individuals throughout this planet who work directly with The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, putting the principles offered into practice in their daily lives, and sharing the teachings with others. To you beloved ones: “We are eternally grateful for your service to life and dedicate this website, and all the Ascended Master’s divine wisdom and instructions contained within it, to you each one!”
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom has come forth to create, establish, and maintain a 'bridge of consciousness' between the human and divine realms so that God Illumination can flow forth to all who desire to receive this information. This was accomplished through the following avenues:
Write, publish, and teach religious doctrine and spiritual law given to this Activity through members of The Great White Brotherhood. This included teaching methods for actively applying divine principles here on Earth by providing directed, cooperative, synchronized world service.
Encourage the establishment of groups of spiritually-minded men and women in every country of the world to act as outposts for the radiation and love of God.
Provide a reader's forum to unite world thought, aspirations, and endeavors. This was accomplished by publishing in several languages (English, Spanish, German, and French) so that people of all nations may participate in their programs.
There are certain basic core beliefs that form the foundation of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom:
1. A belief in reincarnation or re-embodiment. This is the logical path by which human beings evolve spiritually, in understanding and expression.
2. A belief in the concept of an indwelling Christ, or Higher Power, active in each person. It is possible, and indeed necessary, for all people to evolve to the point where this 'Higher Self' will manifest in and through the physical world.
3. A belief in eternal life. Life-everlasting, as expressed not only in the physical world but also in higher vibratory levels of expression.
4. A belief in the reality of the Ascended Masters, beloved Master Jesus being one of them. These highly evolved Beings, can and do, counsel and guide us upon our spiritual paths in various ways. It is also possible for us to work directly with them for the highest good of all life on planet Earth.
5. The Ascension. A daily and hourly process by which one's life energy is perfectly balanced through the healing of the individual at all levels of consciousness. Every thought, feeling, word, and deed - every atom of energy within - must eventually be purified and transmuted back into God's Perfection, then sustained and maintained.